Disaster Preparedness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Exploring and Evaluating the Policy, Legislative Organisational Arrangements Particularly During the Hajj Period
Abdullah Alyami 1, Camille Lillian Dulong 1 2 3 * , Mustafa Z. Younis 4, Sara Mansoor 5
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1 Subsea 7, Al Khobar City, SAUDI ARABIA2 Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, CANADA3 University of Newcastle, NSW, AUSTRALIA4 Jackson State University, Jackson, MS, USA5 The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy, NSW, AUSTRALIA* Corresponding Author


This paper examines the natural disasters that have historically taken place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly during Hajj (the largest mass gathering event in the world).  A literature search of multiple databases was conducted to identify what is currently known about the effectiveness of disaster management arrangements, policies and plans in the KSA.


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Article Type: Literature Review

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021, Article No: em0053


Publication date: 30 Jul 2020

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