Managing the Mental Health of Persons with Disabilities amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Philippines: Specific Factors and Key Actions
Erwin E. Rotas 1 * , Michael Cahapay 2
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1 Teacher I, Department of Education, PHILIPPINES2 College of Education, Mindanao State University, General Santos City, Fatima, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author


This paper discusses the specific factors and key actions in managing the mental health of persons with disabilities (PWDs) amid Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the Philippines. It is a short report that discusses the continuous record of knowledge related to the management of the mental health of PWDs amid the COVID-19 crisis specifically in the Philippines. The specific factors such as inadequate information, negative social perceptions, and inaccessible medical services are found to exacerbate the situation. The key actions such as policy review, stakeholder participation, continued support, and inclusive research are cogently identified. This paper provides a contribution in understanding more about the mental health of PWDs amid the COVID-19 crisis in a developing country. With the PWDs in mind, it is suggested to reconsider current guidelines, involve stakeholders in multisectoral responses, sustain financial subsidy, and conduct inclusive research and census.


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Article Type: Review Article

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2021, Article No: em0077

Publication date: 28 May 2021

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