Study of Osmotic Fragility Status of Red Blood Cell in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Nihad Rownak 1, Shahin Akhter 2, Monira Khatun 3, Sohel Baksh 4, Shafquat Rafiq 5 * , Mushfiqur Rahman 6
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1 Department of Physiology, University of Science & Technology Chittagong, BANGLADESH2 Department of Physiology, Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong, BANGLADESH3 Department of Physiology, Chattagram Maa O Shishu Hospital Medical College, Chittagong, BANGLADESH4 Department of Physiology, Cox’s Bazar Medical College, BANGLADESH5 Croydon University Hospital NHS Trust, UNITED KINGDOM6 Department of Pediatric Surgery, Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong, BANGLADESH* Corresponding Author


Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent non-communicable diseases in the world. Cell membrane injury is an important mechanism for pathophysoilogical changes in DM. Osmotic fragility (OF) status of Red blood cell (RBC) in hyperglycemic patients is expected to be increased. This study was conducted in Chittagong medical college hospital and Chittagong Diabetic Hospital from January 2015 to December 2015. 100 newly diagnosed (duration ≤ 3 years) type II diabetes mellitus patients (Fasting blood glucose is ≥7 mmol/L) were selected as cases. Age, sex and BMI matched 100 healthy subjects were included as control. OF of RBC was measured by traditional method with a series of hypotonic solution of NaCl of different strength in twelve test tubes numbered serially. The relationship of OF with Fasting blood sugar (FBS) and two hours post prandial blood sugar (2 HPPBS) were evaluated. Unpaired Student ‘t’ test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient test were done for statistical analysis. p value <0.05 was considered as significant. 87% of cases showed normal hemolysis and only 12% had early hemolysis. Mean value of NaCl solution for partial and complete hemolysis in cases were 0.44±0.06(%) and 0.32±0.02(%) respectively; for control group the findings were 0.04±0.06(%) and 0.32±0.02(%). Significant relationship (p<0.001) was found regarding osmotic fragility with FBS ≥ 7 mmol/L and 2 HPPBS ≥ 11.1 mmol/L. OF of RBC is increased in type II diabetes mellitus.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2017, Article No: 06

Publication date: 28 Dec 2017

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