Telemedicine in Low and Middle Income Countries: Closing or Widening the Health Inequalities Gap?
Abdulhammed Opeyemi Babatunde 1 2 * , Abdulsobur Olatunde Abdulazeez 1, Esther Abimbola Adeyemo 1, Christabel Ijeoma Uche-Orji 1, Abdulbaasit Akinkunmi Saliyu 1
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1 Department of Medicine & Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, NIGERIA2 Healthy Africans Platform, Ibadan, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author


Telemedicine has shown potentials in salvaging the dwindling healthcare system in low and middle-income countries but faced certain challenges that may create new health inequalities especially based on income. This letter discusses the debate that arises regarding the role of telemedicine on health inequalities in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). It calls for the development of strategies to prevent the widening of the health inequalities gap in LMICs from telemedicine usage. Recommendations were also highlighted to facilitate universal health coverage in LMICs through telemedicine.


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Article Type: Letter to Editor

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 5, Issue 2, 2021, Article No: em0075

Publication date: 17 Mar 2021

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