The Health Status and Demographics of a Conflicting Country: The Sudan Experience
Miracle Ayomikun Adesina 1 2 3 *
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1 Slum and Rural Health Initiative Research with Purpose Academy, NIGERIA2 Cephas Health Research Initiative Inc, Ibadan, NIGERIA3 Mental and Oral Health Development Organization, Kebbi State, NIGERIA* Corresponding Author


The Republic of Sudan is a country located in the Northeastern region of Africa. It has a very diverse culture with about 597 ethnic groups communicating in 400 different languages and dialects. Sudan is the third-largest country in Africa and the sixteenth largest in the world. This country is blessed with numerous mineral resources such as asbestos, chromite, copper, gold, iron, lead, mica, nickel, petroleum, silver, uranium, zinc and many more. However, Sudan is not a peaceful nation. The government of Sudan has been engaged in military warfare against the Sudan Revolutionary Front since 2011. There are widespread human rights violations and religious persecutions. There are allegations that Sudan is a safe haven for terrorist. This study therefore gives an overview of the health status and demographics of the populace inhabiting this conflicting nation. In discussing the health status of the Sudan population, the data on number of the different types of health care facilities and major equipment in Sudan were presented. Also data on maternal and child health, malaria, HIV/AIDS, yellow fever, nodding diseases, noncommunicable disease mental health and dental health were presented. The demographics section displayed the population, population distribution and statistics, religion distribution and many more of the Sudan populace. Author appeals that the statistics and data presented be used in attending to the health needs of the populace of Sudan.


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Article Type: Research Article

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2020, Article No: em0032

Publication date: 24 Sep 2019

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