Objectives: The MCH handbook is a health record and home-based information tool that records and provides health information for women throughout their pregnancy, delivery, and postnatal period, and about the child from the years 0-5. A literature review was conducted using current evidence-based results to determine the effectiveness of the MCH handbook
Methods: The Medline Ovid database was searched for “Maternal and Child Health Handbook”. Among the 50 results, 17 articles were found to be relevant and thus reviewed.
Results: This literature review revealed that the MCH handbook is an effective tool that positively influences the behaviours of pregnant women in regard to immunizations, breastfeeding, nutrition, child development, and illnesses. Allowing for two-way communication ensures that the health of both pregnant women and their child(ren) are taken care of at an optimal level.
Discussion: There is a need for greater collaboration between governments, the United Nations, donor agencies and NGOs. This will ensure that every mother, regardless of her culture and socioeconomic class, is educated and empowered well enough to positively impact both the health of her own, and her child(ren)’s.
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Article Type: Review Article
EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2022, Article No: em0092
Publication date: 18 Nov 2021
Article Views: 3394
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