Understanding depression and suicide rates in the UK in comparison to Pakistan
Aneesa Arshad 1 * , Mohammed Taiyyib 2
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1 St George’s University of London, London, UK2 King’s College London, London, UK* Corresponding Author


This review compares depression and suicide rates in the UK and Pakistan, highlighting disparities and challenges in mental health care. While depression affects one in six individuals in the UK, limited resources, stigma, and funding constraints in Pakistan result in a shortage of mental health professionals, particularly in rural areas. The complex relationship between depression and suicide is explored, emphasizing the need for multifaceted intervention strategies. Disparities in suicide rates underscore socio-cultural and healthcare system differences. While the UK implements comprehensive prevention strategies, Pakistan struggles with underreporting, stigma, and limited access to care. Notably, Thar Desert Region in Pakistan has seen a surge in suicides, reflecting socio-economic challenges. Globally, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) mental health gap action program aims to address treatment gaps, yet disparities persist. Collaborative efforts are needed to invest in mental health infrastructure, reduce stigma, and increase awareness, promoting mental well-being globally.


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Article Type: Review Article

EUR J ENV PUBLIC HLT, Volume 8, Issue 2, 2024, Article No: em0155


Publication date: 17 Apr 2024

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